Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Routine of the Day


I woke up at seven this morning.. Coz i would have many stuffs to do for the coming hours.. Haiz...Before I went out, i even unplugged the wires for my CPU due to the faulty of the network card.. The lightning was too strong.. Haiz... After that, I went to Guang Xing restaurant to have breakfast, mee kolok. Yepi!!!! It was indeed nice.. Better than the mee kolok in 面对面 and Asian Cafe... ooops.. :X Sorry!! Then, mum and I wandered around in market, bought some snacks and even fermented biscuits which are needed by Micheal's mum...Hahaha....Then, we went to the banks... Banks.... RHB, CIMB,Public B.,and Maybank.. To settle my ATM cards coz i barred the card lately...... (T.T)


After the bank-trips, my mum and I went to have the ice kacang and rojak... They are nice too.... Really.... I like them so much!! Wahahah... After that, we went home again to have our television fixed... Something was wrong with the tv after the blackout which had happened last week.. Haiz... The graphic was terrible..However, it's getting better after the fixation.. Thanks God!! Soon, I went for a haircut... Hmm... My hair was too long that it could be tied into a small pony..... After the haircut, I accompanied my mum to go back to her office coz her colleague claimed thar her drawer was apparently unlocked... Heading back to the city...... Lastly, we went to SCR to have our lunch.. Soon after that, we brought back the tv and tata, currently, i am enjoying my life here.... Left Four more days.... Hmm........


Planning to do my English homework.... Hahaha....
Take a short nap
Have some snacks

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