Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blessed be Your Name

Hi, I'm back!!!!!! It's been really a long time since I updated my blog in a month ago.

Well, business starts to kick into my life again. Midterm and final!

So, this will be my thanksgiving post, at least for today. Had fun in the fellowship today. I really enjoy their presence in my life. They did help me through when I'm in my darkest moment.

Today, we did a worksheet on our spiritual gift, and I found my mine and I think I really have to work on them since I'm quite off by the rail right now. :(

Wish me luck in everything and I thank Him that I'm still alive and that I can study over here! :)

p/s: Italian is driving me crazy... lol.. Now, I know how Jerry always feels when he's speaking other than his first language.

1 comment:

kh said...

Matt Redman's "Blessed Be Your Name" is such a nice song. Good luck with your studies, Mathew.