Friday, July 23, 2010


S. Fellowship....

My first reaction is like: WHAT??? Not again......

I even told them that I'm definitely not going for this one... Not that I want to say I'm completely losing my interest in this, yet, I was thinking that I might be the one who brings the whole team down!

During the night, I can't sleep... I prayed that everything will be gone smoothly and he granted me this wish JUST NOW. It's so FUN! Everyone is blooming. You can see straight from their face... Lovely day... Watching how the water sprinkle on the green grass, and you were totally captured by it.

What a wonderful summer! The breeze that came into this picture made the whole thing better... You just can't stop praising him for all things are his creation.

I just want to say: GREAT JOB, PEEPS!!!!! I just can't stop smiling right now.....

By the way, guys, I just want you to try something.. It's quite fun and I just learnt it from my lecture today.

First, get yourself a piece of paper... And, put it in front of your mouth.

Try to speak "PIT"


"SPIT".......... Can you sense the difference which the paper is making? I hope you do... :)

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