As a lame "paparazzo" (share the similar tasks), i took a few...hmm..Actually, it can consider as A LOT OF pictures... Hahha.....That mean, handphone was on my hand all the time yesterday...hahha... i think i had broken the rules yesterday... hehhee......
So, these are the photos...........Get ready.....3....2......1.......0........-1.........-2........-3..... (suckx!!)
Hahha.. this is the overview of our chemistry lab... Not bad.....hmm.. this makes me think of XXXX's lab......
hahaha....... i'm at the centre now..... hehhe.... Cheese!!!
This is my...erm...... who was copying the notes at that time..... i never copy mine!! :P
First, the apparatus is set up as shown above... Bwahhahahha.....
Then, MIX IT UP!!!!!!! Can you see my hand????? Hehehe...
Which will turn into this colour... hmm..........Green....
top view of the beaker... Tatta..... can you see it clearly??? I bet you can't...
But, don't worry!!!
See!!!! That's the thing.....polymer, i guess??? haven find the exact name for it....
Malcolm, what are you doing??????? Your palm is stained with cicak's blood??
Other group's work... So nice... Love-shaped polymer...... Yeah!!
our future biotechnologist..... THILLAGA!!!!! actually, she just acting pro only!!!! Joking.....
another photo with Malcolm and Dian????? (spelling error, i think....)
Our future... Malaysia's Next Top Model.... Wahahahhaha..... Simply...
Whew witt..... Again...........BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!! Cheers~
Syawal(i think so...i mean the spelling of the name) with his new haircut!!!! Waahhaha.....
Guess whose hand is this????? Hmm...............i think you will have the correct answer!!!
Malcolm, thilla, and I.......Wahahaha......... may our friendship can last forever...
Goodbye, my seat!!!!!! T.T.... i will really miss^1000000000000 you....
The last picture which are taken in this lab... With our beloved Mr. Andrew....... Eveyone say CHEH!!! oops... CHEESE for the last time!!!! Yeah!!!!
p/s: plz don abuse bloggy..... Wahaha... Specially for You-know-Who
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