But, Michael told me a famous quote on this very early morning.......
According to Albert E., we should not worry about our future (some sort like that.... i forget liao...) hahaha.....So, i will stop grumbling from now onwards..... Back to the point, Guess what?? Hahha... we went for steamboat yesterday.... for 3++++hours.... Wahahha.....the boss would gonna get mad coz we really...really....take a lot.... hahhaa...... Especially me... I like to have steamboat coz we can get whatever we want.... Hmm... yummy and Yummy!!!1
We really had fun yesterday.... as of all us know that, this night will be the last night for us to have this kind of fun until the end of final... So, we are trying to treat ourselves better coz we really do have so much of stress.......
We ate... We sang.... We dance(did we?)
The night is still young.... oh gosh... I kept on repeating this phrase to Michael and Doctor once they felt like wanted to go back... hahha.... Sorry!!!!! Five of us (Teng, Shawn, Michael, Doctor and Me) have degenerated into other species... Maybe, it sounds ridiculous!!!! But, you should believe it!!!!!
Teng = Dragon (try to call out his chinese name... then, you will know why)
Shawn = Dog (it's not offensive, rite??)
Michael = Cat
Doctor = Ape/ Monkey
Me = Fox???!!!! ( this is what teng called me after i drop my tail)
So, it was really fun........ Even the salmon was finished on tht night...... Dong Fen(similar with bihun) was finished by me too.....I was too powerful.... hmm..........
These are some of the pictures that were taken by me yesterday.......
Wah... Do you guys see that?????? Hmm....... Yummy D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S overview of our steamboat... Can you see a lot of............. >.<
3 hours ago, it was like that..............................................
yeah.. This is our honoured doctor and Shawn.........Quite nice, right???
This is our beloved Teng, who is also known Aunty Hung and Long
3 hours later, it turned up like this............Gosh!!!!!
Before we left, here again, we shall see Shawn's well-known style again......
haiz.........$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (#@!$%^&&*!@@~#$%%^$$%^%$^^^^^!!!!!)
In conclusion (so formal), hahah.... Happy Holidays again to Shawn!!!!!! And, thanks again for the locked room incident again...... Hahhaah........I hate myself!!!!! Grr...............
p/s: Good luck to Michael and Doctor !!!!
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